NFTBOOKS — Security for Rights Holders

2 min readJun 14, 2022


NFTs, a class of blockchain assets, are expanding beyond art into other industries, and book publishing is not an exception. NFTs are fascinating because they generate originality and can also be traded on a blockchain. What sets them apart from ebooks and audiobooks is the ability to develop authentic digital originals that cater to readers in entirely new ways and bring direct benefits for authors and holders.

In terms of copyright and distribution, it is believed that NFT is particularly intriguing thanks to smart contracts, and the resale of content on a blockchain after the first sale can also produce revenue for authors.

NFTBOOKS will ensure all rights of authors, readers, and other objects participating in the NFTBOOKS ecosystem. The situation of piracy or buying and selling pirated books will never happen. Holders are completely secure in their assets. On the blockchain, database applications can provide legal security to rights holders. As a decentralized source of information, it will create a high demand for utilizing NFT. These can also be used to help with content licensing.

For NFTBOOKS users, the important thing that motivates the whole team striving is to provide customers with a stable platform on which they can publish, buy and sell NFT books. The project has a fairly large cyclic model, so we slipped NFTBOOKS into small, interrelated systems, creating a supportive circular ecosystem. With the goal of becoming a self-exporting system, the most complete distributed book in the world.


NFTBOOKS was founded with a vision of becoming a leader in the industry of publishing books. The platform addresses persistent difficulties such as copyright and pricing. The books are directly delivered to users without a third-party intermediary.

NFTBOOKS wants everyone to have access to any reading content available in the world. As well as protecting and supporting the authors to increase their income to secure their life. The NFTBOOKS team is taking that as a criterion to perfect the product day by day.

