NFTBOOKS suggests 4 ways to create an attractive NFT Book
NFTS flourish in a variety of sectors, including music and real estate and eBook is no exception. NFTs have a lot of potential in the publishing industry and bring real profit to authors. NFTs for books have practical as well as creative values that help authors unleash their passion and creativity.
NFTBOOKS has discovered those potentials and built a blockchain-based ecosystem for authors, readers, investors, etc. However, competition is indispensable to rise and develop everywhere. At NFTBOOKS, it is the competition between authors to attract readers and investors. In this article, NFTBOOKS would like to introduce 4 ways for authors to create an attractive NFT Book.
Provide limited editions
When a book is only accessible for a limited time, it acts as an incentive that makes people purchase it. The author may establish a time limit during which anybody can buy a book; once the time limit has passed, readers, lessors, and collectors will be eager to purchase the originals of the books they have missed. For example, an author can create scarcity by only selling a limited edition of a particular book — offering only 100 copies.
Sell different versions
Authors can provide their readers with slightly different variations of each book, ensuring that each reader receives a unique book but still maintains the content. Considering the textual art may be used to enrich each book copy.
Create extra content for the book
The author can produce digital extras based on the plot to give readers a more meaningful experience. Authors can ask others to participate in their work, such as illustrators, editors, translators,… to build more content for their books, including translations, images, audio files, video content, and so on. With NFTs, authors are not confined to just one book created by themselves, but also generate a wide range of related content. Readers will be drawn to this method since they will be able to learn more about each work in depth.
Offer alternative versions
It would be a terrific approach to generate demand for the same book if the author could create a different plot or add a chapter with a different finish. For example, the first 100 book editions think of the alternative plot twist, so the next 200 editions will be slightly different from the first ones. Readers who are enamored with a book will always find ways to read many alternative versions of it.
We believe that NFTs for the book industry will open a new chapter for eBooks, NFTs will continue to transform and authors will be more creative to bring the best works to readers.
If you’re an author or investor looking for a place to start learning about NFTs for eBooks or bidding on them, NFTBOOKS is the place to go. To make money and gain popularity, you may bid on existing book NFTs or advertise your book as an NFT.