The Evolution From Traditional Books to NFT Books
Information technology, particularly blockchain, has revolutionized the publishing industry. Newspapers, journals and written works have been published online for years, and all types of literature are now digitized. With the birth of eBooks and later NFT Books at the turn of the century, the digitization of written works finally reached the book publishing sector.
Books and literary works were once mostly produced as paper books, which became a distinguishing attribute of books. Printed books, on the other hand, confront several obstacles now, including plagiarism, piracy, authors not receiving deserved royalties, the price being prohibitive for many readers, and, most importantly, low popularity.
When information technology has gradually developed, especially the internet, a new form of books was born called eBooks. An e-book, known as an electronic book, is a digital product that contains text and graphics, published, and read on computers or other electronic devices. You always have millions of books at your fingertips, no matter what, no matter where. This movement made books more accessible to people all across the world.
There is a dedicated device for reading eBooks called the e-reader such as Kindle. Although we can read eBooks on our phones, computers, and tablets in their entirety, e-readers have additional functions. However, many consumers may not have enough money to purchase a Kindle in order to access all the eBook’s additional content, or the authors must pay a fee for Kindle or Amazon to publish their book, and even a charge if the book does not sell well.
Science and technology continue to develop; now it’s time for the next big leap: the invention of NFT Books. NFT Books built on the blockchain will help solve all the problems with eBooks. An NFT book is a digital book publication that is minted as an NFT. Basically, an NFT book is similar to an eBook in terms of use. But rather than being a digital file that anyone can download or share, it is linked to blockchain technology that acts as an irrefutable digital contract between the creator and the purchaser.
An NFT book includes two things. Firstly, NFT books have the substance of the eBooks, which is a book that you can read, enjoy and experience some bonus content such as an interview with the author, audio or video content, translations, etc. After purchasing the NFT, you may download all of it. This is the thing that sets it apart from the vast majority of other digital files. Second, your NFT book comes with a contract that allows you to resale or lend your NFT book once you’ve done reading to gain profits.
Blockchain technology enables the owner of a digital file to be easily identified. This identifier is uncopyable and unforgeable. Furthermore, an NFT is transferred directly from one person to another without the requirement for a third party to certify.
For the first time in human history, we can now not only accurately identify digital books, but also purchase, trade, and transfer them in seconds. NFTBOOKS truly believes that this is the next stage in technological advancement. NFT books are a brand-new, self-contained media that will have a huge influence on society over time.